
Author Archive for: 'sweta'
Fedobe Prepares Future Champions in Digital Marketing and Sustainability

Fedobe is looking forward to future expansions and it’s collaboration with Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (BVB) – Bhavan’s Centre for Communication & Management (BCCM) to identify and train students on eCommerce, Sustainability and Digital Marketing. Fedobe and Open-Innovators.Org (Fedobe’s sustainability platform) eagerly look forward to engaging with students to hone their digital skills and promote sustainability … concluded its first Summer Internship Program concluded its first Summer Internship Program today (July 17th, 2019). We are proud to have such versatile children as our first four Young Innovators. During the first part of the training, our Young Innovators learned about the SDGs, Circular Vs Linear Economy, and the role of eCommerce in promoting circularity. They became familiar with …