What is the gap you will fill
in the industry

  • In-Depth Understanding: Delve into the EU’s green finance framework, including crucial regulations like the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD).
  • Career Opportunities: Graduates are well-equipped for roles in:
  • Finance: Guiding investment decisions with a sustainability focus.
  • Corporate Strategy: Integrating EU Taxonomy compliance into business models.
  • Sustainability Consulting: Advising firms on aligning with the EU Green Deal.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring adherence to environmental standards.
  • Future-Proof Skills: With the global emphasis on environmental sustainability, the expertise gained is invaluable. You’ll be at the forefront of:
  • Facilitating sustainable investment decisions.
  • Enhancing transparency in corporate environmental impact reporting.
  • Competitive Edge: As businesses increasingly prioritize green initiatives, your skills will set you apart in the job market, ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow’s sustainable business landscape.

How does this course help my
job opportunity

  • Specialized Skill Set: By understanding the EU Taxonomy, SFDR, and NFRD, you gain a niche skill set in environmental sustainability and compliance, highly valued in today’s job market.
  • Diverse Career Paths: Opportunities open up in finance, corporate strategy, sustainability consulting, and compliance, where you can guide sustainable investment decisions and help businesses align with environmental standards.
  • Increased Demand: With growing focus on sustainability, professionals who can navigate these regulations are in high demand across sectors.
  • Regulatory Expertise: As businesses strive to comply with evolving sustainability laws, your expertise becomes crucial in navigating these complexities.
  • Competitive Advantage: This unique knowledge sets you apart, making you a desirable candidate for organizations focused on sustainable growth and compliance.
  • Future-Ready: You’ll be equipped to adapt and thrive in a rapidly evolving business landscape where sustainability is key.

Course Structure

  • Understanding the Basics of EU Taxonomy
  • Regulatory Framework and Standards
  • Scope and Applicability in Various Sectors
  • Taxonomy Assessment Methodology
  • Tools and Resources for Assessors
  • Communication and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Case Studies and Best Practices
  • Certification Process Overview
  • Preparing for the Certification Exam
  • Capstone Project

Our Approach

Understanding EU Taxonomy Framework

  • Regulatory framework, its objectives, and the legal requirements imposed by the EU Taxonomy Regulation.
  • Criteria and Technical Screening for Commerce

Implementation and Reporting

  • Integration EU Taxonomy for investment, financing, and strategic planning.
  • Reporting Obligations for companies and financial institutions.

Practical Application and Case Studies

  • Training on Wade for Taxonomy, our
    data tool.
  • Real-life Case Studies in industries and
    sectors .

Be an ESG Reporting Champion – Connect with us today

    Our Partners


    Swedish distributor of educational products. Collaboration partner for outreach in Sweden

    Otermans Institute (OI)

    A London-based organization focusing on affordable educational tools and Al for guided learning.


    Impacting over 2.5 million children in India through collaboration with 100 NGOs and 300 schools, PRATYEK is our outreach partner.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Open Innovators?

    Open Innovators is a non-profit organization established in 2019 in Sweden, dedicated to using education to drive positive environmental change in the commercial sector.

    Why focus on Taxonomy in your courses?

    Taxonomy is essential for organizing information across various industries, especially in the digital age. Our courses aim to fill the rising skills gap in managing and analyzing data for environmental sustainability across EU.

    What are the main components of your learning approach?

    Our learning program includes interactive online tools, hands-on instructor-led training, and personalized AI-assisted guidance.

    How can these courses help my career?

    The courses offer specialized skills in environmental sustainability and compliance, opening career opportunities in finance, corporate strategy, sustainability consulting, and regulatory compliance.

    Who can benefit from these courses?

    They are targeted at young professionals, students, and anyone interested in sustainable finance and looking to enhance their skills in environmental compliance and sustainability.

    What is the accreditation status of the certifications from your courses?

    Our organization’s courses come with certifications that carry accreditation from Verify Agency and the Otermans Institute. This provides learners not only with evidence of their acquired knowledge and skills but also with recognition and endorsement from reputable partners. Our joint tracks with accredited certification partners in the EU indicate a broader commitment to aligning your educational offerings with European standards and facilitating a seamless certification process for your learners

    Connect With Us

    Join us in this educational revolution.
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    Forskningsringen 68
    17461, Sundbyberg


    General Information

    Email: info@open-innovators.org

    Silla Padhi

    Head of Professional Services Stockholm, Sweden

    Silla is a marketing expert with a background in biotechnology, healthcare, and FMCG, holding an MBA with a specialization in marketing and biotech. Known for delivering successful projects that enable clients to achieve sustainable profit and competitive advantage. Her expertise includes partnerships , events, campaigns and impact analysis. She has experience in both Asian and European markets and is currently pursuing Impact Measurement & Management for the SDGs at Duke University.